Our approach was honed through surviving sexual assault, and speaking or working with hundred of survivors, DEI consultants, rape advocates, lawyers, and communities, workplaces, and institutions.
Our Vision
As Ruth Bader Ginsburg said “Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.” We agree. Sexual assault and sexual harassment are systemic tools of sexism, gender inequality, racism, homo/transphobia, and other forms of injustice and inequality, data problem these are interrelated and intersectional, and every step toward resolution and healing builds a world.
Our founder started Clear Safe after being years of successfully helping victims and communities. Her approach was more effective than existing services in that resolves incidents to mitigate harm to the survivor, and concretely prevented incidents of sexual assault. For starters, almost every person who contacted our founder to report an incident engaged through the resolution of the incident; however, research shows almost 99% of reporters of harm drop off after initially raising an issue.
Preemptively, we provide tools and educate to prevent sexual harassment and assault.
Our preventative approach, tools, and systems are designed to get employees to relate, engage with, and find more useful in preventing workplace sexual assault/harassment. Our approach works through fears of retaliation, backlash, apathy, and fatigue.
We take a data-driven approach, gathered through years of personal and professional experience around matters of sexual assault/harassment, using our founder’s background in law and advocacy. We advise on policies, procedures, and educate teams and management. We facilitate long-term change by recalibrating company culture for greater inclusivity. We provide an effective reporting system tailored to each company’s needs, as direct reporting is difficult for survivors who fear retaliation. Our reporting systems are designed to increase reporting through increase trust and safety, and decreasing fear of retaliation and re-traumatization. We tailor the system to the unique needs and size of the workplace or community.
We don’t use blame, shame, or guilt, and we avoid the lofty moral high ground, because that creates a backlash and is counterintuitive to preventing assault/harassment. We work through the apathy and fatigue that they inspire.
Post-Incident, we resolve, provide closure and transformation after incidents of sexual harassment/assault.
We’re full service consultants for sexual assault and sexual harassment. Contact us, and we’ll fully handle and prevention and resolution of incidents for you.
When an incident is reported, we’ll navigate by conducting a third party investigation and provide management. Unlike most investigators, we’re usually able to find past incidents. Our resolution/mediation process focus avoiding liability and more - we heal and transform. Once the situation is resolved, we’ll institute tools and systems to dramatically decrease the likelihood of future incidents.
We’ll bring in outside counsel if needed while understanding the importance of discretion and confidentiality. Throughout this process, we support the victim, as resolution and de-escalation requires the survivor is not traumatized throughout the process. Post-incident, we’ll implement preventative measures.
Survivors: Resolution and Healing After Sexual Harassment/Sexual Assault
Healing is different for each survivor. We provide healing & resources. We provide guidance on the specific pathway(s), and connections to vetted services that can help.
We have advocated for dozens of survivors, and spoken to other advocates and DEI consultants in the space. Repeatedly, survivors tell us (and other advocates) that processes were not transparent, and the reaction of their community or employer caused distress, which in turn escalates an already traumatizing situation. We prevent that ongoing/secondary trauma.
Survivors tell us that they do not want the party that assaulted or harassed them to repeat. We have data/analytics tools aimed at preventing sexual assault/harassment, which we provide to communities and employers.
What we don’t do
Punish the accused, or assist with vengeance. We focus on healing, and the well-being of the survivor and the workplace/community.
We are not a law firm, and do not provide legal advice.
Allow false reports. Our research has shown us second-hand accounts and vague, anonymous accusations of sexual harassment and sexual violence lead to false accusations. We’re aware that false accusations are extremely rare.
Due to the high volume of requests we receive, we currently cannot accept pro bono (unpaid) work.
How we are different from what’s already out there.
The approach previously used in this field focused on the perpetrator, on punishment or justice using the existing legal system. Survivors feel ostracized and abandoned, which sometimes lead to escalation. Training programs used high-level morality, blamed men, and use guilt to prompt change. This is counterintuitive: situations are escalated instead of resolved, and people become reluctant to change or double-down on more counterintuitive behaviors when they feel blamed and threatened. This creates greater discord and inequality. Instead, we focus on the healing and clear, transparent resolution for survivors, and providing tools for investigation, case management, and prevention for employers and service providers. We believe it is in everyone’s best interest to work together against sexual assault and sexual harassment.
In the remainder of this page, we get into specifics on how we are different from each of the types of services that address sexual assault and sexual harassment.
How we are different from law firms
We do not provide legal advice and are not structured as a law firm. We’ll bring in lawyers as/if needed.
How we are different from other tech-forward rape- and harassment-related startups
Most of the tech-enabled startups and nonprofits that have cropped up since 2015 seek to supplement the legal systems. This allows these companies to help a very small, specific set of survivors, ignoring over 71-90% of cases.
Several anonymous reporting platforms have also gotten attention in the last few years. We - and DEI consultants and sexual assault advocates we’ve spoken with - have found anonymity leads to false accusations/reports.
Why we’re not a non-profit
Nonprofits are doing great work around sexual assault and harassment in narrower areas than we do, and address a variety of topics in different ways than we do. We appreciate the work of RAINN, Institution for Women’s Policy Research, and Callisto.
Nonprofits often get bogged down in the bureaucracy of fundraising and retaining non-profit status.
With Clear Safe as a for-project, we have the resources to hire/consult with talented lawyers, therapists, and advocates, and effectively scale to be able to help more survivors and employers.